烧 瓶 :500毫升
接 受 器:10ml
冷 凝 器:长300mm
加 热 器:单联300W连续可调 双联2×300W 三联3×300W 四联4×300W
电 源 :AC220V±20V、50Hz 结构特点本仪器由冷凝器、接受器、烧瓶、加热器及电气控制部分组成。
其结构特点是:加热器采用球形编织电热套 温度由可控硅调压器调节,连续可调 仪器分单联、双联、三联及四联等形式
BD-PSF上海旺徐电气有限公司3 moisture analyzer
The water test is the introduction of Japan's advanced technology production, in line with GB/T260 standard applies to the determination of the water content in petroleum products, expressed as a percentage.
The main technical indicators:
Flask: 500 ml
Accept: 10ml
Condenser: 300mm long
Heater: Single Unit 2 × 300W triple 3 × 300W quadruple double 4 × 300W 300W continuously adjustable
Power: AC220V ± 20V, 50Hz structural characteristics of the instrument by the condenser, receiver, flask, heater and electrical control components.
Its structural features: heater spherical woven electric sets temperature the SCR regulator adjusted continuously adjustable instrument division single joint, a double, triple and quadruple
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