该热处理油热氧化安定性分析器是引进日本精良技术生产的,符合SH/T0219标准。在铁和铜催化剂存在下,通入空气,测定试验在氧化前后的运动粘度和残炭。仪器采用进口不锈钢磨沙板,设计精美,防腐耐用。采用模糊控制原理和PID自整定技术,控制性能稳定可靠。采用模块化免维护技术,结构紧凑,寿命长久。作为高精度恒温浴广泛适用于多种试验,是化验室*的试验仪仪器采用模糊控制原理、专家PID自整定技术以及模块化免维护结构,控制性能稳定可靠,用户只需通过仪表设定控温点温度,仪器自动实现定点控温。结构特点仪器采用进口不锈钢磨沙板,造型美观、防腐耐用。由上盖部分、浴缸和控制操作部分组成。 本仪器具有以下特点:一、结构紧凑、造型美观、操作方便。 二、搅拌轴、浆、浴槽以及壳体均由不锈钢制成。 三、试验结束时可以声光提示信号,提醒化验员结束试验。
6. 外形尺寸:650*400*600
7. 重量:10kg器。
PRRH 309heat treatment oil thermal oxidation stability analyzer
The heat treatment oil thermal oxidation stability analyzer is produced by the introduction of advanced technology from Japan to line SH/T0219 standard. Pass into the air, in the presence of iron and copper catalysts, the measurement test in a kinematic viscosity in the oxidation and carbon residue. Instrument adopts imported stainless steel the frosted plates, designed beautifully durable anti-corrosion. Fuzzy control principles and PID self-tuning technology, stable and reliable control performance. Modular maintenance-free technology, compact, long life. As a high-precision thermostatic bath is widely applicable to a variety of tests, preferred laboratory test equipment.
The instrument uses fuzzy control theory, expert PID self-tuning technology, and the modular maintenance-free structure, reliable control performance, users only need to set the temperature of the temperature control point through the instrument, the instrument automatically designated temperature control. The structural characteristics of the instrument using imported stainless steel frosted plate, handsome in appearance, anti-corrosion and durable. Composed of the superstructure part bathtub and control operation part. This instrument has the following characteristics: a compact structure, beautiful shape, easy to operate. Second, the stirring shaft, pulp, bath, and a housing made of stainless steel. Third, the end of the trial can sound and light tips signals, to remind laboratory technicians to the end of the test.
Technical parameters:
1. Power supply voltage: AC220V ± 20V, 50Hz
2. Heating power: 1.8kW
3. Temperature adjusting range: 0 ~ 200 ℃
4. Temperature control point: 165 ° C
5. Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.1 ℃
Dimensions: 650 * 400 * 600
Weight: 10kg
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